Reduction of Risks Associated with Addictive Behaviour through Innovative and Evidence-Based Solutions

about harm reduction & harm reduction academy

Harm reduction is a pragmatic approach based on scientific evidence and practical real-world experience. In the area of public public health, it aims at minimizing the negative health, social, and economic impacts of addictive behaviour.

Harm reduction involves strategies and policies that reduce the risks associated with substance use and help individuals achieve safer and healthier outcomes.

Harm Reduction Academy (HRA) aims to bring together addiction experts from different European countries. HRA focuses on prevention, education, and awareness raising about the latest trends in the area of addiction and mental health. We also aim to gather new insights and data via our own research.

Addictions in the Czech Republic


1 million

Almost 10 % of Czech adults consume alcohol daily.


30% of Czech smokers try to quit smoking every year.

250 000

Nearly quarter millions of Czech adults are at risk of developing problems with gambling. 

4 hours

Around 25-30% of Czech kids and 45-50% of Czech adults spend 4 hours and more at social media a day.


More than a quarter of Czech adult population has tried an illicit substance.

1 million

More than 1 million of Czech adults use hypnotics and sedatives problematically.


about harm reduction

The idea of nicotine-free wordl is dangerous ideology leading to prohibition and unnecessary punishment. This ideology does not recognize harm reduction principles and equates alternatives with traditional cigarettes. Such and approach is unscientific and contradicts public health principles.

Doc. MUDr. Viktor Mravčík, Ph.D.

Harm Reduction means reducing garm instead of pursuing the unrealistic goal of total abstinence. For example, in Sweden where smokers switched to snug, there was a significant drop in heart attacks. This approach is more effective than an outright ban. 

Mgr. Jindřich Vobořil, Pg.Dip.

Harm reduction means regulating according to thr harm of the products. People should switch from cigarettes to less harmful alternatives. This approach is increasingly adopted worldwide. 

Prof. MUDr. Eva Králíková, CSc.

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