National Institute of Mental Health
The aim of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is to provide a platform for developing, testing and implementing the latest therapeutic methods in practice, creating therapeutic standards and participating at the training of experts.
Special attention is devoted to the research and treatment of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders and mental illness in old age, including dementia. NIMH includes inpatient wards (a total of 60 beds), day care centers, a counselling center for memory disorders and specialized outpatient clinics.
The Clinical Center accepts patients from all over the Czech Republic, considering their clinical profile and current research programs. NIMH is also an educational base for students of the Third Medical Faculty of Charles University and other master’s and postgraduate study programs.
State Health Institute
The State Health Institute is an organization of the Ministry of
Health. Its status and tasks are laid down in Section 86 of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on Public Health Protection.
The Institute dominantly deals with documents concerning national health policy and protection and support of health. Moreover, it provides methodology and reference work when it comes to the public health protection.
Last but not least, it ensures monitoring and research related to interconnections between live conditions and health, international cooperation, quality control of provided services in public health protection, postgraduate education in medical care, promotion of health, and health education of the population.
Society for Addictive Diseases
The Society for Addictive Diseases of the Czech Medical Society of J. E. Purkyně is a
professional organisation which associates experts in the field of prevention, treatment and research of disorders caused by the harmful use of addictive substances and other harmful habits.
The Medical Society was founded in 1993 and extended the activities of the Section for the Study of Alcoholism and Other Toxicomania (AT Section, established in 1956) at the Psychiatric Society of ČLS J.E. Purkyně.
Institute for Postgraduate Education in Healthcare
For more than sixty years, the Institute for Postgraudate Education in Healthcare has been organizing education for doctors, pharmacists, dentists and non-medical healthcare professionals. In 2017, the Institute organised educational activities for more than 20 000 participants.
The Institute provides attestations or final examinations in 47 certified courses in 7 basic fields and in 14 non-medical fields. In 2017, the Institute supervised final examinations of 749 applicants.